— too bold, too big, to far: Unrealized artworks become visible. Artists from all over connect.
While mobility is restricted, borders and distances are clearly perceptible and existential uncertainties
are omnipresent, more artistic works than ever remain in the state of planning. Whether it fails due to
lack of time, space or money or accompanies your artistic work for years as bold dream — we are looking
for your projects, which have not (yet) made it beyond their state as an idea, concept, draft or prototype.
With this exhibition we want to open up a space and visibility in terms of concepts, sketches, drafts, plans
and photographs. These papers will be presented at the art space BLECH. in Halle, Germany.
At the same time, despite current challenges and immobility, this format allows to present
and bring international artists together. Since many things cannot take place on location and in person,
there will be an online programm additional to the exhibtion. For an exchange and encounters, the
participating artists and their work will be presented and discussed on a digital platform.
— too bold, too big, to far: Unrealized artworks become visible. Artists from all over connect.
While mobility is restricted, borders and distances are clearly perceptible and existential uncertainties
are omnipresent, more artistic works than ever remain in the state of planning. Whether it fails due to
lack of time, space or money or accompanies your artistic work for years as bold dream — we are looking
for your projects, which have not (yet) made it beyond their state as an idea, concept, draft or prototype.
With this exhibition we want to open up a space and visibility in terms of concepts, sketches, drafts, plans
and photographs. These papers will be presented at the art space BLECH. in Halle, Germany.
At the same time, despite current challenges and immobility, this format allows to present
and bring international artists together. Since many things cannot take place on location and in person,
there will be an online programm additional to the exhibtion. For an exchange and encounters, the
participating artists and their work will be presented and discussed on a digital platform.
Wir sind DramaLamaDingDong e.V., ein Künstlerkollektiv, das in die Welt gesetzt wurde um dem Schnellkochtopf der Theaterhierarchien zu entkommen. Ohne Deckel an der Spitze und fließbandartigen Premierenproduktionen wollen wir der Kreativität ihren Spielraum zurückgeben. Wir sind jung, bunt und weigern uns auf den gesellschaftlichen Konventionswiesen zu grasen. Wir spucken auf: Rollrasen statt Blumenwiese, den alten weißen Mann im Regiestuhl, Diven
ohne Snickers und Phantasieverweigerer.
Mehr BUNST für diese Welt!
We asked ...
Denkst du, es gibt künstlerische Arbeiten, die besser niemals je realisiert werden sollten? Warum?
Wir sind uns in unserem Kollektiv sehr uneinig zu diesem Thema, daher wollen wir einen weiteren Denkanstoß bieten und geben euch ein Beispiel, dass ihr eigenständig diskutieren könnt: Es wird ein klar antisemitisches Lied abgespielt, die Motivation des Künstlers ist für den Zuhörer noch ungeklärt. Wie würdet ihr reagieren?
Wem erzählst du von Ideen zu neuen Arbeiten?
Meinen Lama Kollegen.
Was bedeutet Scheitern für Deine künstlerische Arbeit?
In der Kunst gibt es für uns kein Scheitern es gibt nur einen fortwährenden Lernprozess.
Unless otherwise indicated, all rights for all texts and photos are reserved by the artist/author/photographer.